About Gary
AN INSIDER'S LOOK October 26, 2017
The Works is somewhat of a new experience for me so I’m constantly looking around trying to figure out where to be and what to do. We set up shop right next to clocker Gary Young and watching him work is quite a treat.
He talks to himself with a digital recorder in front of him and stopwatch in hand as he clocks about 12 horses at a time. Even though it looks to me as if he’s having a conversation with the voices inside his head he assures me that A) He isn’t and B) many of those voices are still in fact snoring at this time of day. You can get a taste of it here plus perspective of where we set up our camera in relation to him:

Gary Young is a life time racing fan, born to two thoroughbred enthusiasts in Chicagoland in 1961. He started attending races with his parents at age 5 and began walking hots for the prominent Winick family at Calder Race Course in 1978 after his folks retired to south Florida. His employer always had a clocker watch the stables horses, and also advise on other horses that might be worth acquiring. In the spring of 1979, Neal Winick, who trained the Florida contingent decided to let Gary try his hand at the job and he's been watching horses train daily ever since.
Watching every horse on the track train, Gary became aware of gambling opportunities in which he had a significant edge, and soon became one of the most respected opinions in both Florida and Southern California, where he relocated in 1981 at the request of Arnold Winick.
After wintering in Florida through 1986, Gary decided to make Southern California his permanent home. Though he stopped working exclusively for the Winick’s in the mid 1980’s, he maintained a close friendship with them and when their clients, Albert and Dana Broccoli (infamous producers of the James Bond movies), decided to start purchasing from 2 year old in training sales, they contacted Gary. Mr. & Mrs. Broccoli and Gary maintained a close personal friendship and a very successful working relationship until both Albert and Dana passed. Gary was most proud to have selected 1993 Breeders Cup Juvenile Champion Brocco for the Broccoli’s (please watch videos of Brocco’s celebrated races on this site).
Throughout his illustrious career, horses recommended by Gary have accounted for 3 Breeders Cup and 17 Grade I races, reaffirming Gary’s opinion as one of the most respected in the game.
Whether you would like to purchase privately or with a partnership, Gary will consult with you regarding your purchasing options. He's also very interested in your horse after the purchase and will provide strategic advice and guidance at your discretion. Working with some of the most respected trainers in the business, Gary will gladly assist you to find the perfect fit for your horse.
January 2020
XBTV's 'Quick Questions' with Gary
Mike Joyce talks about working with Gary Young